The Welcome Club

Welcome Committee: Beryl & Mutt & more OH MY!

Sometimes you have people who just want to help out. They have not been offcially reconized by the orders but are well meaning enough. The Welcome Club is a mist-traveling group of adventurers dedicated to making new friends and welcoming them into the fold of fellow explorers. They carry the responsibility of nurturing others, ensuring no one feels alone or isolated, and helping newcomers learn the social customs of each mist sphere. As a Club anyone can join or help out as it hasn’t been recognized as a guild and the Great Orders are still observing this fledgling society.

Are you honest and true? Are you friendly enough to break the ice and make others smile? If so, the Welcome Club is for you!


  1. The Club’s mission and vision may be altered, removed, or added to with a simple majority vote amongst the members. This is a mist sphere group so its a little odd and has a rich tapestry of people from all over Fortanis.



The welcoming committee is selected by the people that want to join the club. This is a very fluid style of leadership as anyone can help out. To be on the welcoming committee you'll need to be honest, true, and willing to form strong bonds of friendship with complete strangers. Be warned—your open demeanor and compassion may sometimes be taken advantage of, but it's a small price to pay for making a new friend feel accepted into the community.

All are welcome!

Mission Statement

  1. Make people feel welcome: