The Mentors Guild

Current Guild Leader: TBD OCT

Interim Guild Leader: Bryony Bristlebottom

Sponsored by the Order of Serratura; The Mentors Guild has been given the responsibility of educating the adventurers, ensuring people know what supplies are available, how to use them, and making sure that ignorance does not corrupt the populace. The mentors guild holds a strange position in the community as most people are partial to giving advice but not taking it. Will you brave the crowds and speak the cold hard truth no one wishes to hear?


  1. Any of the militia’s tenets or operations may be altered, removed, or added to with a simple majority vote amongst the members of the guild.

    These are player driven and need to be created at the October event. You are limited to 6 Operations.


The guild leader for the Mentor’s Guild is chosen by a simple majority vote among its members. Anyone can step forward for leadership, but to be selected, you'll need to exemplify both teaching and learning. You must be a lifelong learner and a dedicated teacher, guiding others while continuing to grow yourself if you wish to gain the favor of your peers and represent them as Guild Leader.

You must first empty your cup.

Tenets of the Guild

  1. Continuous Learning: Strive to educate ones self and others.

    These are player driven and need to be created at the October event. You are limited to 7 tenets.