Cerenys Healer’s Guild

Current Guild Leader: TBD OCT

Interim Guild Leader: Elenora

Sponsored by the Order of Istrado; The Healer’s Guild has been given the responsibility of maintaining the Earth Circle, conducting resurrections, and keeping the health and welfare of the Outpost. At times it is a thankless and stressful job as you must manage resources while people may be actively dying all around you. It takes courage to stay in the rear defend the injured and conduct triage. Do you have what it takes?


  1. Guild membership: Membership in the healer's guild is open to all who have demonstrated skill in healing magic or potion-making. Prospective members must undergo an examination to assess their skills and dedication before being admitted to the guild.

  2. Tips: Members of the healer's guild may keep any tips they receive from individuals for performing healing tasks. However, they are encouraged to donate a portion of their tips to the guild to help fund its operations and assist those in need.

  3. Healer’s Guild Chest: The healer’s guild chest will be placed behind the loot ward with admitted healer’s guild members having access to it. All donations of currency, magic items, and ingredients will be placed here only to be removed and used for the benefit of the outpost.

  4. Donations: Donations made to the guild by the town will be placed in the Healer’s Guild Chest. Donations of currency will be used to purchase ingredients, materials, and magic items necessary for assisting the town.

  5. Use of communal resources: Members of the guild are expected to use the communal resources of the guild, including potions, herbs, and equipment, responsibly and efficiently. Members who waste or misuse communal resources may face disciplinary action.

  6. Any of the militia’s tenets or operations may be altered, removed, or added to with a simple majority vote amongst the members of the guild.


The guild leader for the Healer’s Guild is selected by a simple majority vote among the guild members. Anyone can put themselves forward for leadership, but to be selected, you'll need the faith and support of your peers within the guild. This ensures that the leader has the confidence and support of the members and reflects the collective will of the guild.

To Heal oneself is connected with healing others.

Tenets of the Guild

  1. Uphold the oath of the guild: Members of the healer's guild should adhere to a strict code of ethics that prioritizes healing and helping others above personal gain or advancement. They should be honest, trustworthy, and dedicated to their craft. The use of Necromantic Magic is strictly prohibited.

  2. Do no harm: The primary goal of the healer's guild should be to heal and aid others, not to harm or cause suffering. Members should focus on using their magic and potions for healing purposes and should avoid using their abilities for personal gain or to cause harm to others.

  3. Respect life: Members of the healer's guild should have a deep respect for all forms of life and strive to preserve and protect it whenever possible. This includes respecting the wishes and beliefs of others, regardless of their race or culture.

  4. Remain neutral: The healer's guild should attempt to remain politically neutral and should avoid taking sides in conflicts or disputes. Members should treat all patients equally, regardless of their affiliations or allegiances.

  5. Keep patient information confidential: Members of the healer's guild should respect the privacy of their patients and keep all medical information confidential. They should not share patient information with anyone without the patient's explicit consent.

  6. Continuous learning: Members of the healer's guild should continue to learn and expand their knowledge of healing arts,  magic, and potion-making. This includes studying new techniques and ingredients, as well as sharing knowledge and insights with other members of the guild.

  7. Help others beyond the outpost: Members of the healer's guild should use their abilities to help those in need beyond the walls of the Cerenys, including travelers. They should volunteer their time and expertise to aid the sick and injured in their community, regardless of whether they can pay for their services.