There are currently five guilds being sponsored at the Cerenys Outpost.

Anyone can join a guild—no formal training is required, just a desire to help the town and make a difference. However, running a guild comes with its own set of challenges, requiring a sharp tongue, a cunning mind, and deep pockets. Guilds are ultimately designed to support the Orders and often serve as proving grounds for fledgling aspirants. Think of it this way: while our Orders offer a path to nobility, our guilds allow the layman to contribute and act meaningfully within the confines of their profession.

The establishment and direction of the Guilds are in your hands, the players. While our Orders will offer advice, this is your chance to make your mark on the game. You have the freedom to shape the guilds as you see fit, with the only limitation being that all votes within a guild are decided by a simple majority. Leadership, tenets or operations may be altered, removed, or added with a simple majority vote amongst the members of the guild. However, one rule remains unchangeable—you can never get rid of the sixth operation. The rest is up to you, so step up and leave your legacy!

Please note that a player character (PC) may not enter the game already belonging to one of our guilds. However, they may become eligible to join during gameplay. Keep in mind that a player may officially belong to only one guild at a time.

The Five Guilds of the Cerenys Outpost