New to Alliance?

If this is your first time playing, sign up for the Character Management App (CMA) here to get started!

Remember to keep track of your username and password! This database is where you will manage your character and sign up for games hereon out.

To make your character:

  • Click on the characters tab in the upper right

  • Select New Character

  • Set Name

  • Set Chapter (Scroll Down for Atlanta)

  • Select a Race (Selecting a Race will give that race's details, requirements, and allow for special racial XP purchases potentially)

  • Select a Class (Selecting a Class will give that Class's details and set the XP standard for skill purchases)

How do I purchase spells or skills?

Just starting out? A base character has 25XP to spend on skills - Martial and Stealth classes need to purchase a weapon skill (the ability to use weapons of a certain class) to unlock their martial and stealth abilities. Scholarly characters must set a Primary School (Earth for Healers, Celestial for Elementalists) to open the options to purchase spells.

Clicking on a skill will bring up that Skill's description and a blue box to spend your character's XP with if you would like to purchase that skill. Return to the previous character management page by pressing back in the browser, or clicking on your character's name. (Skill and Spell descriptions are also all available including their pre-requisites in the upper right under the Skills, and Spells tabs)

Want more XP?

Donate to Alliance Atlanta to bank some Goblin Stamps currently at 3 ATL GS per $1. Among other things, these points can be spent to earn passive XP at a cost of 30 GS a month. Up to three months in the past are eligible for purchase at a time.

List the name(s) in the notes of the donation of whom you would like to receive the credit, and after you have donated email to tell us which player(s) should receive the donation credit, and which character(s) you would like to receive XP credit for (reminder - one character per chapter per month can receive passive XP), and we will credit your account on the CMA.