The Merchant Guild

Current Guild Leader: TBD OCT

Interim Guild Leader: OPEN

Sponsored by the Order of Gale, the Merchants’ Guild has been tasked with establishing fair trade at the Cerenys Outpost and carries the responsibility of maintaining prosperity for all. While everyone enjoys trading and building wealth, there are always those charlatans who seek to enrich themselves at the expense of others. The Merchant Guild ensures that trade is safe, products are not tainted, and that people can freely exchange money for goods and services. Their guiding principle is that to become wealthy is to better one’s life, as such you can count on a member of the guild to be a harsh bargainer but a fair one. The choice is yours—will you be the miser who clings to scraps or the philanthropist who makes the world a better place?

Tenets of the Guild

These are player driven and need to be created at the October event. You are limited to 7 tenets.


6. Any of the guild’s tenets or operations may be altered, removed, or added to with a simple majority vote amongst the members of the guild.

These are player driven and need to be created at the October event. You are limited to 6 total operations.


Are you the kind of person who can drive a hard and fair bargain? Does the gleam of coins and the trading of goods and services set your blood aflame? If so, you might want to try your hand at leading the Merchant Guild. Anyone can put themselves forward for leadership, but to be selected, you'll need to prove to your peers that you are the best at generating wealth and preserving profits for everyone in the guild. This is one of the few times where showing a bit of charity could be your key to getting ahead. Once you're ready to put your name forward, a simple majority is all that's needed to secure your position as Guild Leader.

May your fortune be ever in your favor!