Alliance Atlanta Goblin Stamp List
The following two lists detail Ritual Scrolls (powerful magical effects which must be cast in game) and Boons of the Orders (passive effects from the lands of Chalameria) which may be purchased with Goblin Stamps (GS) for use at your next event. Please note that for PCs these costs are for the scrolls only, not for a pre-made item; pre-made items can only be purchased by full-time NPCs and staff.
Utilizing LCO (local chapter only) Rituals or LCO reagents will result in the tag created from the ritual batch being marked LCO, and the item will only be usable in Alliance Atlanta unless otherwise noted by another chapters’ transfer policy.
LCO reagents can be purchased for 50 GS each, and must be used at the same event they are purchased.
500 GS
This Ritual allows the Formal Caster to construct a powerful barrier of protection similar to a suit of armor. Arcane Armor grants a certain amount of Armor Points based upon the Ritual Level chosen by the caster at the time this ritual is cast. For the purposes of this Ritual the maximum protection it can provide is the sum of the maximum armor permitted by their class plus their Wear Extra Armor skill plus one point for each High Magic level they possess. Arcane Armor can be utilized at a lower level of efficiency.
A character with this Ritual may have Item(Weapon) Rituals legally cast on their Body. These Rituals may be used only through a character's Claws. If this Ritual is removed or expires while Item(Weapon) Rituals still exist on the character's Body, those Rituals become defunct and do not function (though they still exist in-game and may be otherwise destroyed or expire themselves) until a new Magical Claws Ritual is cast upon the character. This may allow the character's Claws to perform unusual functions, for example, a Poison Cache Ritual would allow for a Contact Poison to be applied to the character's Claws just like it would a Weapon.
If a character with two Claws activates a 10 minute weapon-specific Ritual on one claw (such as Magic Imbuement), they may only use that Ritual with the claw on which it was activated.
A weapon with a Poison Cache Ritual may have an additional Contact Poison applied. The wielder may choose in which order any applied Contact Poisons will be used.
When a weapon with Poison Trigger has a Contact Poison applied, the wielder may choose on which weapon swing to release the Poison (instead of it automatically invoking on the next weapon swing). Once a character activates a Contact Poison, it is considered used even if the character stops swinging for its effect before it lands or resolves. This affects any Contact Poisons applied to the weapon.
The Potency Ritual pulls elemental forces into the wielder's body to empower all spells of a specific type to deal increased damage for a limited time. This Ritual allows the wielder to, once per Logistics period, add 5 points to any numeric call they make from casting a spell in memory or from a Battle Magic scroll for ten minutes. The 5 points will only be added to the specific Elemental force which is bound into the Ritual by the Ritual Caster at the time it is cast. The Elemental force may only be chosen from the following: Chaos, Healing, Flame, Ice, Stone, Lightning. When this Ritual is cast for the Healing element, it is considered an Earth Ritual; when cast for the Chaos element, it is considered a Necromantic Ritual; and when cast for Flame, Ice, Stone, or Lightning, it is considered a Celestial Ritual. Note that this does not affect Channeling damage or weapon damage. A character may benefit from the Potency ritual of each specific Element (as listed on the scroll) no more than once per Logistics period.
The Potion Coating Ritual allows Earth Potions to be applied to the target weapon in exactly the same manner as a contact poison (i.e. requiring Herbal Lore). These potions are delivered as “Spell Strike ” for example, “Spell Strike Destruction” (for a Destruction Potion) or “20 Spell Strike Healing” (for a 4th level Cure Wounds Potion); unlike Poisons, the character’s normal weapon damage and effect are entirely replaced when utilizing loaded Potions. This Ritual may be combined with other Rituals as appropriate.
This Ritual increases the duration of any extendable Enchantment-type Formal Magic in the Targeted batch to 100 Logistics Periods. Extended items are indestructible by normal means while this Ritual is active, including Battle Magic spells and destructive Traps.
This Ritual may be cast over a Boost Duration Ritual as described on that scroll. The Boost Duration does not count for the purposes of calculating the difficulty of this Ritual, and is replaced by the Preserve Duration.
This Ritual allows the owner to (once per Logistics period per charge) reduce the time necessary to perform the Meditate skill to three seconds. All other prerequisites of the Meditate skill must still be met – for example, for a spell, the user must have a thrown but unresolved spell and their spell book open for study per the rules of the skill. After three seconds the user will recover the unresolved skill or spell per the Meditate skill as if they had completed the required amount of roleplay.
This Ritual creates an item which can restore the usage of a spent skill once per day. A character may only benefit from this Ritual once per Logistics Period for each category of skill. The skill being renewed must be in one of the following categories: Martial Skills, Stealth Skills, Battle Magic spell, Racial skill. Note that the Recharge Prowess Ritual itself is not specific to a single category, but will only renew skills in a limited fashion as described below. This item may not be used to renew Production skills. The chosen skill must have been used earlier in the same Logistics Period and be one they normally have on their base character card, not from any additional abilities or Rituals. To activate the Ritual, the character must Focus for at least sixty seconds without interruption. They may then mark the skill on their battleboard with a 'P' over the used circle, to denote that they have used a Recharge Prowess to renew the skill.
The Resist Shatter Ritual allows the bearer of the Ritual Target to expend this Ritual Effect to defend against the effects of a Shatter or Explosive effect by calling "Resist." The Target Item is limited to being no larger than 10' by 10' by 1'.
This Ritual allows the wielder of the weapon the Ritual is cast upon to expend a Parry (if they may Parry with the weapon) to defend against any one magical effect that would normally affect them. A Spell Parry may be used against any effect delivered with the Spell Qualifier. It may also be used against Dragon Magic or Shadow Magic Rituals. It may not be used against a regularly cast Ritual.
The Spell Parry can be used to intercept a spell on another Target if that Target is within Range as defined in the Parry Skill. The effect may be invoked before other defenses are used (as a Smart Defense) if the wielder of the weapon so chooses.
The Spell Parry is usable once per Logistics period at the choice of the wielder of the Targeted weapon. Spell Parry requires the use of a Parry skill in order to "fuel" the ability. A Spell Parry cannot be used unless the user of the weapon possesses an unused Parry skill and using the Spell Parry expends the Parry skill use for that logistics period. The wielder of the weapon calls "Spell Parry" when they choose to use this effect.
This Ritual will create a rechargeable Battle Magic spell slot. To charge the item, a spell must be touch-cast into it. The possessor of the item must then incant "Absorb." A Spell Store item or person may not intercept a thrown spell and absorb it in any circumstances. Once charged, anyone in possession of the item may activate the spells stored within as if they were activating a magic item. The spells stored can be of any combination of levels up to the maximum spell levels allowed by the Ritual performed. Thus a fifth level Spell Store item or person could hold one fifth level spell or five first level spells. Note that the spells stored in the item must be of the same aspect as the Spell Store itself. Thus you cannot store Earth Battle Magic spells in a Celestial Spell Store item or vice versa.
Unused spells will be lost at the end of the event; a Spell Store is always brought into a game empty.
The difficulty attempted in this Ritual determines the level of spell(s) which can be being stored into the item.
The Spirit Link Ritual is used to forge a magical connection between an object and a person with a Spirit. The Targeted item and person must both be in physical contact with the Ritual Caster within the Circle of Power during the casting of the Ritual. The item must be considered a possession of the Target Spirit and must be physically movable by that Spirit when in their normal body. The Ritual must be cast on the item and person simultaneously, though only one Ritual casting is required.
The item may be stored anywhere upon the person but may not be removed from contact with the body that contains the Spirit. While the item is linked, it cannot be separated from the person until the duration of the Spirit Link expires or the person's Spirit suffers a final death.
While the Spirit is separated from a body, the item is intangible and invisible and will reform at the place of the Spirit's resurrection. If the Spirit's resurrection fails, the item is reformed with the dead body and the item Spirit Links to the next person to pick it up as a possession, if that person has a Spirit and is not at their limit of Rituals upon their Spirit. If that person is at the limit of the Rituals on their Spirit they will realize that the item attempted to Spirit Link to them and failed.
400 GS
While under the effect of this passive ritual, the character gains 1 Maximum Body Point for each Wear Extra Armor skill they have purchased. Note that a character’s current Body Points can never be higher than their current maximum; thus, if this suit of armor is removed or destroyed, the character's current Body Points will be reduced to their normal (non-Ritually altered) Maximum Body Point total if necessary. When putting on this suit of armor, the character's current Body Points are not affected. This Ritual will not grant more Body Points than the total Armor Value of the suit, even if the character has more levels of Wear Extra Armor. A character may never be under the eMore on Armored Shell hereffect of more than one Armored Shell at a time.
This Ritual allows the wielder of the weapon the Ritual is cast upon to use a Ritual charge and a spell of the item's Aspect from memory to spellstrike that spell (once per Logistics period per charge) through their weapon. When the spell is channeled through the weapon as a spellstrike, the wielder does not need to fully incant the spell or use magical aura; instead, they swing their weapon with the spell effect using the Spell qualifier with the Strike keyword (for example “Spell Strike Prison” or "10 Spell Strike Flame"). This Ritual may not be used with spells that have been converted via use of Flexible Casting. A Storm spell may never be channeled through a Battlemage's Strike Ritual.
More on Battlemage’s Strike here -
Counterspell allows the user to, once per Logistics period per charge, expend a spell from memory to protect herself from the same effect. Upon being struck with an effect using the Arcane, Elemental, or Spell qualifier that matches a spell in the user’s memory, the user may expend that spell and the Counterspell charge to Guard against the effect. They must call 'Counterspell' when this Ritual is used. If a numeric amount is part of the spell - for example, "20 Spell Flame" - the character must have a matching spell of equal or higher numerical value in memory with which to Counterspell.
The Flexible Casting skill cannot be used to change out a spell in memory for the purpose of Counterspelling an incoming spell.
Counterspell may be used on any effect that replicates a spell in the user’s memory, regardless of its means of delivery. Aspect of the effect is irrelevant. Using this Ritual to Guard against a Necromantic effect is not inherently Necromantic.
More on Counterspell here -
This Ritual creates a weapon which grants its owner the ability to channel a Foundation Element carrier through this weapon when activated. The wielder may choose one of Flame, Ice, Stone, or Lightning when activated. Once activated, this carrier may be used for any number of weapon swings from that character within the next ten minutes. Multiple charges may be active during the same time period for multiple choices on what to swing.
The Empowered Armor Ritual will create a seed of magical force within the Targeted suit of armor. Once per Logistics period, at the completion of an Armor Refit performed on this armor, the user gains temporary Armor Points equal to the current Armor Points granted by the suit of armor. These Armor Points will go away after 10 minutes, until expended, or if the Armor is removed. The temporary Armor Points will go away first and cannot be refit or repaired in any way (such as by the Mend Armor effect). The Empowered Armor Ritual will fail to activate if the character has any temporary Armor Points (such as from a previous usage of Empowered Armor) at the time it's used.
This Ritual allows a character to expend 5 more Critical Attacks or Back Attacks at a time than they would normally be allowed. The skills are expended upon use and grant the normal bonus. This Ritual does not grant any additional bonuses to the skill used. This Ritual may be used in conjuncture with other skills, abilities, or Rituals that allow additional expenditures of Critical Attacks or Back Attacks. The character may utilize no more than one Empower Warrior ritual at a time.
This Ritual allows the Ritual Caster to place one Battle Magic spell of their Aspect into an item or a person, if that person has a Spirit. The spell must be expended into the Ritual during the Ritual Casting (and will not cause backlash) from any valid mechanism to activate the spell by the Ritual Caster; for example, it might be cast from memory, activated from another item, used via High Magic abilities, used via a natural monster ability, etc. Once cast, 1-3 charges of that spell will be created based on the number of reagents used. Once a charge is used it is gone forever from the item.
Once per Logistics period per charge, when using the Resolute skill, the character may trigger a charge of Eternal Resolution and immediately touchcast "Activate X Elemental Healing" or "Activate X Elemental Chaos" on themselves. X is defined based on the level the ritual is cast at and varies from 5 to 25.
Once per Logistics period per charge of this Ritual, the character may Meditate and expend an unused Racial Resist skill to grant themselves '25 Elemental Healing' by touchcast.
A Staff or Source with this Ritual may be used to produce larger Channeling bursts. Once per Logistics period per charge of this Ritual, a Channeler may double the amount of a single Channeling packet used through this item. This may exceed the character's normal Channeling pool maximum. For example, a character with a normal Channeling Pool maximum of 30 could use this Ritual to throw a single packet for 60, expending only 30 Channeling points. If cast as Celestial Aspect, this must be cast on a Wand or Staff; if cast as Earth or Necromantic Aspect; this must be cast on a Relic or Staff. This Ritual will produce 1 - 3 per-Logistics period charges based on the difficulty it is cast at. Note that a Staff still cannot be used to evoke Channeling Pool charges without appropriate High Magic.
This Ritual creates a weapon which grants its owner the ability to channel either the Healing or Chaos carrier (chosen at the time this Ritual is cast) through this weapon when activated. Once activated, this carrier may be used for any number of weapon swings from that character within the next ten minutes. Multiple charges may be active during the same time period for multiple choices on what to swing. This Ritual is considered Earth (if Healing is chosen) or Necromantic (if Chaos is chosen). Keep in mind that Carrier attacks (any Weapon qualifier attack with a number) may never be used to heal.
The possessor of a Magic Evocation Ritual may choose Magic as the delivered effect in addition to their standard choices when casting an Evocation Bolt from memory. This may be used on Evocation Bolts manifested via the Flexible Casting skill.
This Ritual creates a weapon which grants its owner the ability to channel the Magic carrier through this weapon when activated. Once activated, this carrier may be used for any number of weapon swings from that character within the next ten minutes.
This Ritual will imbue a suit of armor with mystical power. Once per Logistics period, at the determination of the wearer, an Armor Refit will require only 3 seconds to refit the armor; if another person is performing the Refit, they should be informed as soon as they have begun the Refit. They must still perform appropriate roleplay (taking a knee, representing readjusting the armor, etc.) and both the the Ritual charge will be used up even if they are interrupted during the required 3 seconds. This may not be utilized in conjunction with any other skill, ritual, or effect to reduce the time to less than 3 seconds.
A character with this Ritual may utilize a skill which they have already expended for Riposting Blow's offensive attack.
More on Perfect Riposte here -
This Ritual creates a weapon that grants its owner the ability to channel the Body carrier (when making an attack using the Weapon qualifier) through that weapon against any single Player Race (determined at time of casting).
Additionally, the wielder may choose to announce this Reaver when performing a Killing Blow (for example, "Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3, Hobling Reaver!"). If a character is Lifed after receiving an applicable Killing Blow from a matching Reaver, the character will be in intense physical and emotional pain for some time. Similarly, if the character instead Resurrects or regenerates from a Bottle, their Resurrection will be roiled and tumultuous, reflecting powerful magics attempting to disrupt the Resurrection. Both of these effects may be refused on the same grounds as Mental Abilities if the player chooses to do so.
More on Race Reaver here
Raging Strike allows the user to, once per Logistics period per charge, add the Strike keyword to a single numeric weapon swing. This may be used in conjunction with skills or other rituals.
Once per Logistics period per charge, this character may expend Channeling Points to grant "X Spell Mend Armor" by touchcast, where X is equal to the amount of Channeling Points expended. This may not exceed their normal Channeling maximum.
The Spirit Lock Ritual is used to forge a magical connection between an object and a person with a Spirit. The Targeted item and person must both be in physical contact with the Ritual Caster within the Circle of Power during the casting of the Ritual. The item must be considered a possession of the Target Spirit and must be physically movable by that Spirit when in their normal body. The Ritual must be cast on the item and person simultaneously, though only one Ritual casting is required.
The item may be stored anywhere upon the person but may not be removed from contact with the body that contains the Spirit. While the item is locked, it cannot be separated from the person until the duration of the Spirit Lock expires or the person's Spirit suffers a final death.
While the Spirit is separated from a body, the item is intangible and invisible and will reform at the place of the Spirit's resurrection. If the Spirit's resurrection fails, the item accompanies the Spirit to the graveyards.
All properties given to the item via Formal Magic will only work for the person to whom it is Spirit Locked. The Spirit Locked item may not be transferred from the Spirit to another Spirit, and any attempt to do so will automatically fail.
This Ritual allows the Ritual Caster to place a skill into an item or a person, if that person has a Spirit, as a once ever charge. The ability being stored must be performed (without effect) into the item or person by an individual possessing an unused charge of that Skill at the time of Ritual casting. This expends the Skill from the donors abilities as if it had been used for that logistics period. To successfully store the ability the donor must touch the Ritual Target and state the name of the Skill. To use a skill that has been stored the wielder must have a weapon in hand and the necessary skill to use that weapon (if applicable to the stored skill).
At the time of casting, when the Skill to be stored is placed in the Item, the Ritualist has the option to "record" any Carrier the Skill has or to save the ability as a basic record. This information will be recorded on the Item Tag. If a Carrier is listed next to a Skill stored in an item then that Carrier must be manifested when this item is activated. If no carrier is listed the Carrier is assumed to be "Normal" and the activator may apply any carriers or spells as with a normal weapon attack. No additional effect from another Ritual, ability of the body using the item, spell, or effect can change the damage or damage type if it is present in the Item..
If an attack is used that has some other prerequisite (such as Repel Strike needing a two-handed weapon), that prerequisite must still be fulfilled to use the skill from a Store Ability ritual.
You can store 1 Charge of a Skill chosen from the list below:
Sleep/Paralysis Blow, Silence/Stun Blow, Slow/Weakness Blow, Fear/Berserk Blow, Evade, Dodge, Assassinate, Doom Blow, Counteract, Shatter/Disarm Strike, Sleep/Enfeeble Blow, Weakness/Shun Strike, Destruction/Stun Blow, Repel Strike, Precise Blow, Parry, Riposting Blow, Slay, Eviscerating Blow, Fast Refit, Intercept, Resolute, Mettle.
300 GS
Assassin’s Edge allows the user to, once per Logistics period per charge, swing a melee strike with the “Body” carrier when striking from behind with this weapon. This may be combined with any applicable skill, Ritual, or other effect that would alter a melee swing with a carrier.
Once per Logistics period per charge, when this character's armor would be taken below 1, they may expend Celestial Channeling points equal to the amount of the damaging attack to call "Cloak" and take no effect from the attack. This may only be used on attacks with a number, and the number must be no greater than the character's maximum Armor Points.
More on Channel Armor here
Once per Logistics period per charge, when this character's Body Points would be taken below 1, they may expend Earth Channeling points equal to the amount of the damaging attack to call "Cloak" and take no effect from the attack. This may only be used on attacks with a number, and the number must be no greater than the character's maximum Body Points.
Elemental Manipulation allows the user to alter a single spell as it is cast from memory so that it manifests with the Elemental qualifier instead of the Spell qualifier. The spell verbal in this case would be “Elemental ” instead of using the full spell incant. Only spells appropriate to the aspect of the Ritual may be used this way. This Ritual is Times Ever, and 1 – 3 charges may be created from a single casting of the Ritual.
If a character with this Ritual is the subject of a Killing Blow, so long as the character is affected by the Killing Blow the player may choose to expend any amount of Channeling (not limited by their normal Channeling limit) to call "X Vengeance" when they take the Killing Blow, where X is the amount of Channeling Pool expended. This may be done even while unconscious or otherwise unable to use Game Abilities.
A character may expend a charge of this Ritual when using the Intercept skill to call "Resolute" as per the Resolute skill whether or not they have a Resolute skill known or available.
Instant Trap enchants one or more Trap tags to be able to be set almost immediately. All Traps to be Targeted by the Ritual must be in the Circle of Power during the casting, but are separately tagged and tracked upon completion of the Ritual. They do not need to be the same type of Trap.
A Trap enchanted by Instant Trap may be set with only three seconds of Focus by any character with the appropriate level of the Create Trap skill to set that type of Trap. Physically arming the Trap is still required and may take additional time depending on the physrep.
An Instant Trap is not indestructible or resettable unless it otherwise would be from some other effect, and no matter what, the Instant Trap ritual is used up once the trap is set.
This character counts as having Healing Arts, Herbal Lore, Create Trap, and Read Magic for the purpose of Identifying production items. Additionally, for every 10 Craftsman (Other) skills the wielder possesses, they count as having one additional level of Enhanced Meditate.
Memory Strike allows a weapon to be charged, once per Logistics period, with a spell from memory of the same Aspect as the Ritual. This will expire at the next logistics. In order to do this, the spell to be charged must be touchcast onto the weapon in a Circle of Power of the Aspect of the spell to be charged. This can also be done at logistics even if you do not have access to a Circle of Power.
When the spell is channeled through the weapon as a spell strike, the wielder does not need to fully incant the spell or use magical aura. The Qualifier for spell strike delivered spells is 'Spell'. For example, '20 Spell Strike Flame', '10 Spell Strike Chaos', or 'Spell Strike Prison'. For bows and crossbows a spell strike must be delivered by an arrow or bolt packet as appropriate to the weapon. A Storm spell may never be stored into a Memory Strike Ritual.
This Ritual allows the bearer to Sacrifice their own Life to preserve the strength of Spirit of Another. A valid Target for the Sacrifice Ritual is a character which has Dissipated and is currently in a Greater Earth Circle of Power awaiting or undergoing Resurrection. The Spirit within the Circle must have been inside the Greater Earth Circle no more than 30 minutes for the Sacrifice to work - waiting longer than 30 minutes will cause an attempted Sacrifice to fail with no effect. This Ritual in no way gives the Bearer the ability to determine how long a Spirit has been inside a Circle.
To Activate a Sacrifice Ritual the bearer must stand before the Greater Earth Circle (able to touch the Physical Representation) or be inside the Earth Circle containing the Target Spirit and state "I Sacrifice my Life to you". If more than one Spirit is present in the Circle the bearer must identify which Spirit is the Target of this Ritual Effect. Once activated the Spirit within the Circle immediately regains a physical body without the occurrence of a Death on their Card (and does not need to Draw from Death's Bag) and experiences the effects of a successful Resurrection. The Activator of the Sacrifice Ritual immediately Dissipates as if they had been the Target of a Killing Blow and their Death Count had completed, dropping all gear and In Game Items as per the Death/Resurrection process and moves to the Circle to attempt Resurrection following all standard Rules for a Resurrection (including Drawing from Death's Bag and receiving the Death on their Card).
The Targeted Spirit of a Sacrifice may not refuse the Sacrifice Ritual unless the Resurrecting Spirit also has a Sacrifice Ritual on their Spirit. By expending this Sacrifice Ritual the Targeted Spirit may counteract the bearers Sacrifice Ritual (both are Expended). In such an event the original Spirit will be able to undergo Resurrection as normal or, if the 30 minute window has not expired, receive additional Sacrifice Rituals. The decision to counteract a Sacrifice Ritual is an Out of Game Decision of the Target.
Sacrifice will not allow you to take the place of a Character which has died due to a Players decision to avoid a Ritual Effect or as a result of any Ritual effect which is defined as "Unavoidable" such as Obliteration. In addition, a Sacrifice will fail if attempted for a character who is on their "one last death" after pulling a Black Bead from Death's Bag.
Sorcerous Triage allows the user to be instantly affected by a successfully completed First Aid when they would otherwise go from “Bleeding Out” to “Dead.” At 59 seconds into their bleed out count, the Player may make the OOG choice to activate this Ritual by stating “First Aid complete.” The user is restored to 0 body and must wait 1 minute to be restored to consciousness, per the First Aid skill. If cast with an optional Catalyst, the Ritual may alternatively be used to Rebirth when the character would have gone to resurrect, as per the High Magic ability of the same name. Note that this Ritual is Times Ever, not Times Per Day.
Once per Logistics period per charge of this Ritual a character may expend a memorized spell to gain use of a spell of an equal or lower level. The use of the Ritual must be accompanied by at least 60 seconds of Focus roleplay and the character must be in possession of a spellbook containing both spells. Once the character has completed their Focus, the player must recite the incantation of the spell to be expended and will then gain a use of the target spell. They must mark the expended spell off of their battle board and write in the new spell with an "S".
When a Spell, Elemental, or Poison qualifier attack strikes a shield with this Ritual, the bearer may call "Resist" by expending a Strengthening charge as though the item were shatterable and hit by a Shatter effect. A Shield with this Ritual may be re-Strengthened by a Blacksmith to regain additional uses of this ability, unlike most enchanted items. Note that this Ritual still confers normal indestructibility as per other duration Rituals.
Once per Logistics period per charge, the character may expend Channeling Points to add that amount of damage to a single weapon attack with this weapon. This may not exceed their normal Channeling maximum.
This Ritual will create a suit of armor that takes 5 seconds less to refit. The Sturdy Armor Ritual grants a passive effect to the suit of armor it is cast upon that does not require an activation phrase to use as the refit time will be decreased by 5 seconds for the entire duration of the Ritual. This Ritual may only be cast once per suit of armor and must be cast on a physical suit of armor. When combined with the Fast Refit skill this effect reduces the refit time after the fast refit effect has been applied.
When someone else begins a refit on your suit of armor that has the sturdy armor Ritual cast on it, you must inform the person that your armor takes 5 seconds less to refit.
This Ritual causes a retributive strike of pure magical damage to anyone who inflicts a Killing Blow against the Target. This damage is 10 points per level of Formal Magic possessed by the Caster and is not avoidable in any manner. The Target cannot choose not to use their Vengeance and a Killing Blow does not need to be effective (Target is immune to the weapon used, already dead, etc) for the Vengeance to be triggered. To use this Ritual, the Target states "" Vengeance"" when affected by a Killing Blow.
This Ritual has a number of charges equal to half the number of levels of Formal Magic possessed by the Caster rounded down.
200 GS
Cosmetic Transformation allows a Caster to modify the physical appearance of the targeted creature, if it has a Spirit, in many ways. The Target of this Ritual is Spirit which means that the new physical form granted will remain through Resurrection or other Body-Reforming abilities. The Caster is able to make non-magical alterations to the features of the Target including:
- Altering Hair, Eye or Nail Color (color does not need to be "natural")
- Adding or Removing non-Ritual Tattoos or blemishes
- Adding or Removing small deformities (for example vampiric teeth or a third nostril)
- Altering the speech patterns of the Target (to repair a speech problem or create one)
- Altering the posture of the Target (for example to remove or add a Limp).
Cosmetic Transformations can never override a Racial Requirement or Game Skill Requirement such as required Prosthetics for a Race. If an attempt is made to remove a Racial Requirement the Ritual will appear to work briefly before the Target returns to the appearance they had before. Cosmetic Transformations are not able powerful enough to disguise the identity of the Target (for example it cannot re-arrange bone structure or affect weight significantly). Changes made by Cosmetic Transformation are considered to be the characters "base Body" and will always be with them. For example, hair changed to a new color will continue to grow in this new color unless dyed or changed again via Cosmetic Transformation.
The bearer of a Cloak of Darkness is protected from the rays of the sun, negating any harmful effects the sun may have upon the possessor. This is considered a great boon to Undead creatures harmed or destroyed by sunlight. Some naturally subterranean species such as Dark Elves also covet this Ritual.
This Ritual grants the ability to survive in inhospitable conditions. The Caster may choose one condition listed below to be protected against. This Ritual can be cast at increased difficulty to protect against more than one condition. Each additional condition included increases the difficulty by 1 and requires 1 additional component.
Conditions include:
Extreme heat, Extreme cold, Tainted air, Tainted food and water, Lack of air, Lack of water, Lack of food, Minor injuries (such as bites from small insects or high density of thorny plant life), Extreme light, Extreme noise.
Additional Conditions may be available at Plot discretion.
This is a role playing Ritual, providing protection only from environmental effects, and never grants any resistance or immunity to any weapon attack, damage call or other standard effect except at Plot discretion. Protection from extreme heat would not provide any defense against "4 Flame", "4 Elemental Flame", or a similar effect. Similarly, Protection from tainted air would not provide any protection against an attack with the Poison qualifier.
This Ritual forms or breaks a link between a Circle of Power and a Spirit. Investiture forms a link allowing the Spirit to control whom the Circle recognizes and to use its inherent powers. The Investiture lasts for the entire existence of the Circle of Power or until the Divestiture Ritual is cast upon the Target in the same Circle of Power. This Ritual does not count against the 20 Ritual limit upon a Spirit. The Target may refuse an Investiture Ritual, but not a Divestiture Ritual.
The Ritual must be cast in the Circle where the link is being created. The Ritual Caster must be invested in the Circle where the link is to be created. The Spirit that is to be Invested must be present in the Circle where the Ritual is being cast.
An invested Spirit outside the Circle can cause the Circle to recognize him or herself by physically touching it. An invested Spirit within Line of Sight of the Circle can cause the circle to recognize any other beings and allow them access at will without need of physically touching it by incanting "The Circle recognizes you". This can be done while under the effects of a Silence Spell (This is necessary so everyone can OOG hear the recognition). Only a Spirit in a body or an animated form (such as a Construct) can use the circles inherent powers.
Once this Ritual has been cast on an Item, that Item may have minor alterations performed on it until the Item leaves this Circle of Power or until the next Logistics period, whichever comes sooner. These alterations may be made even if the item is normally Indestructible due to other Rituals. Alterations which may be made include such things as scribing new spells or writing in an otherwise Indestructible book, altering the shape and size of a weapon, shield, or suit of armor (within the limits of its type), or adding mundane upgrades to an item such as Silvering or Strengthening a weapon. This Ritual will not allow erasing of information from the target Item, and some items - especially those which have recently changed hands or those of extraordinary power - may resist this Ritual's power.
Mark will create an indelible Mark upon on an item, body, or Spirit. It remains on the Target as it was originally placed as long as the Target exists. The Mark Ritual in no way confers indestructibility upon a Marked item. If the Mark is on a Spirit it will always be on that body part containing the Spirit if parts of the body are separated. When the body is reformed through resurrection, the Mark will be upon the identical location it was on before resurrection.
The Mark Ritual lasts until an Unmark is cast upon it or the item is destroyed. In all other ways the Unmark Ritual is permanent, for it is instantaneous and irreversible by any other means. The Unmark Ritual is not required to be of the same Aspect as the Mark to be destroyed.
The Mark can be up to two colors chosen by the Ritual Caster and a size between one and ten square inches at the choice of the Ritual Caster. The Ritual Caster at the completion of the Ritual draws the Mark upon the Target. Casters can choose to add additional colors to the Marks by paying an increased cost of +1 DC per additional color above the initial two and +1 Reagent for every 5 total Colors they would like to use. (ex: to use 3 colors would cost DC 2 and cost 3 Reagents (base). To use 10 colors would cost DC 9 and 5 Reagents (+2 to base cost)).
The Merchant Insight Ritual allows a character, if they have the prerequisite skill, to identify Potions, Alchemy, Battle Magic scrolls, and Trap Globes in 3 seconds (if within a Location with this Ritual) or 15 seconds (if they bear an item with this Ritual) instead of the normal required identification duration.
When this Ritual is chosen, choose a specific type from those presented in this list: Animal, Construct, Cursed, Dragon, Elemental, Extraplanar Creature, Fey, Goblinoid, Humanoid, Insect, Magical Creature, Lupoid, Ogroid, Plant, Reptoid, Trolloid, Undead. A character wielding a weapon with this Ritual may, after completing a Killing Blow, announce the name of the ritual (for example, "Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3, Undead Slayer"). If the target's type matches the announced Slayer type, it may not call "No Effect" to this Killing Blow no matter its normal immunities or vulnerabilities.
Additionally, if a character is Lifed after receiving an applicable Killing Blow from a matching Slayer, the character will be in intense physical and emotional pain for some time. Similarly, if the character instead Resurrects or regenerates from a Bottle, their Resurrection will be roiled and tumultuous, reflecting powerful magics attempting to disrupt the Resurrection. Both of these effects may be refused on the same grounds as Mental Abilities if the player chooses to do so.
Once per Logistics period per charge of this Ritual a character may shorten the time to perform the First Aid skill to 3 seconds. The player must make every attempt to perform the required role play for the duration of the ability. If interrupted during the three second activation time, the charge is expended. This Ritual confers no other benefits to the First Aid skill. The character must state "Quicken Aid" when starting the First Aid to let the Target know that the First Aid will be quickened.